Besides running
The Armchair Empire for 15 years, Aaron lists a number of other accomplishments:
- Confirmed a new Zelda game for GameCube (Wind Waker) back in 2000 by posting a transcript of a Majora's Mask teleconference.
- Appeared on Vancouver radio station MOJO Radio "Talk Radio for Guys", Paul Myers Show talking about games.
- Appeared on Vancouver radio station CKNW 980 for two years running on the Christie Clark Show as a "video game expert" (until being usurped by Electric Playground's Victor Lucas).
- Spearheaded and organized the CGW/GFW Radio Reunion at PAX Prime 2009, which brought together Jeff Green (Hit Detection; formerly of PopCap Games), Shawn Elliott (Arkane Studios; formerly of Irrational Games), Sean Molloy (former CGW/GFW editor), Robert Ashley (, and Ryan Scott (former CGW/GFW editor, for a panel that relived the glory days of the popular gaming podcast from the 1UP Network.
- Attempted to get a 2nd CGW/GFW Radio Reunion off the ground for PAX Prime 2010, 2011, and 2012. Scheduling problems sunk the endeavour; however, 2013 was successful in bringing the crew back together.
- Over the course of months and in 12 sections, completed posting of his "big game idea" titled Project: HISTORY in 2011.
- Built an interior wall from studs to drywall to paint. The electrical project was another matter entirely.
- Destroyed a massive deck and built a new, smaller, functional deck, complete with stairs (with some help, of course).
- Was a Contributing Editor for E3Insider (part of the E3 Show Daily team) for E3 2014.